Dear Friend of the Cathedral,

It is an understatement to say that the past two years have been challenging for our Cathedral, our city, and for our country. The direct effects and complex aftermath of the COVID epidemic; the national soul-searching and reckoning in the wake of the murder of George Floyd; instability and unrest in our nation’s capital; the dramatic rise of violence, poverty, mental illness, and anxiety in everyday life. Through all of this, the Great Cathedral of New York, with your help, has stood as a witness to justice, unity, and hope.

In this report, I share with you a summary of the ways in which the Cathedral and its community have offered glory to God, served our sisters and brothers across the city, and transformed lives over the past year. I hope that when you read this report, you see yourself and your good work in these pages. As I take up the joys and challenges of serving as the acting dean of the Cathedral, I am excited by the important work ahead of us. Now, more than ever, the world needs inspiration, grace, and healing. I look forward to working with you in the coming year to expand upon all we have achieved together. Thank you for remaining a vital member of the Cathedral community.

The Very Reverend Patrick Malloy, Dean
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine

Download the 2021/22 Impact Report